Here is the USD 410 COVID update.

USD 410 COVID Report

USD 410 would like to inform our public about where we currently stand with COVID in our district buildings. Cases are on the rise in our Hillsboro Elementary (HES) and Hillsboro Middle High School (HMHS) buildings. We currently have the highest number we have seen in our HMHS building since the start of tracking COVID in March of 2020 and it has been rising quickly this week. Our goal is to keep our students and staff as safe as possible at USD 410.
Several precautions we can all take to help slow the spread of COVID in our buildings.
Masking when in our buildings
Hand washing
Coughing & Sneezing etiquette
Social distancing where possible of 3’ or more
Keeping students at home if they do not feel well
Testing if you have symptoms or have a known exposure

Where to find the latest USD 410 COVID information
Click on menu in top right-hand corner
Scroll down and click on COVID Information
The information in the graphs will show you three lines.
Maroon line / number – New daily positive cases
Gold line / number – New daily positive rate
Black line / number – Building positivity rate
When you hover your cursor over the numbers on the graph it will show you the numbers for that particular date.

Building Positivity Rate (January 11, 2022)
HES – 3.66%
HMHS – 7.41 %

The USD 410 Gating criteria is based on the building population
Green 0 – 5.99% Masks optional, 3’ social distance where possible
Gold 6 – 9.99% Board will meet to decide next steps
Red 10% Masks will be required in the building until 8 days after the onset of
going over 10% of the building population

On the COVID information page, you can scroll to the bottom of the page and also find the following documents these documents.
USD 410 21-22 Opening Plan
USD 410 COVID-19 Program & Testing Form
COVID-19 Testing Consent Form
Quarantine Explanations (10/1/21)
USD 410 Gating Guidelines